STAYMETAL is more than the sum of its parts. 

It's not me, it's not you. It's all of us.  Yes, it is heart pounding music and the love of heavy metal, but it is also a philosophy, a way of life. It's difficult to describe in mere words, for it has a unique meaning for any one who believes in it. It's about staying true to yourself and what you believe in. For those who truly believe in STAYMETAL, it needs no definition, it has been part of them their whole lives.

The inception for STAYMETAL struck me while I was in line grabbing a beer at the legendary Satyricon rock venue in Portland, Oregon in 1999.  While it was all about the music in that moment, the meaning of STAYMETAL has evolved. Over the last decade or so I have realized that it's more than just music, it's about the material itself - metal is part of our everyday life: in the cars that we drive, the structures we live and work in, the bridges we cross, the weights we lift... Whether you are a steelworker, welder, musician or gearhead, STAYMETAL is for you.